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Showing posts from July, 2014

The Wake Up Call

This evening I had a wake up call.  No, it wasn't from the telephone, but rather from the Holy Spirit.  As I sat to read my Bible after a long trip questions began to arise in my mind.  What verse was it that made me sit up and pay attention?  Well, I'm glad you asked. Here it is, "I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me; refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul." (Psalm 142:4)  Those last six words seemed to jump of the page and right into my heart.  NO MAN CARED FOR MY SOUL .  For the next few minutes I just sat and thought.  I began to remember where my ministry began and I thought about the countless thousands of people I have come in contact with after over three decades of this work I am involved in.  I thought about those early years when the only minister who would invite me to preach was my father (a pastor) and my father-in-law (also a pastor).  They served very small congregation...

Blog Update

What has happened to the posts on this blog? That's a good question, now here is the answer. We have been slowly migrating everything over to the Tennessee Church of God of Prophecy State Website and more fully use the social media opportunities to help get the word out about events and happenings across the state. Although this is my personal blog, often church events overshadow what I would like to do with it...namely to post my own ministry thoughts, values and opinions.  Often my personal opinions are in stark contrast to fellow ministers whom I love and appreciate.  I don't want to endanger them or hurt their feelings by posting something that upsets them in the middle of church updates. Therefore, from today on, this page will become PERSONAL and all of the State of Tennessee Related events and news will appear on the LATEST NEWS tab on the website.  You can find the website by typing the url or by clicking this link provided for you:   http...