Almost every day, I am speaking with pastors who are telling me about receiving new members into our fellowship. I am so pleased that great things are happening, and that some of our churches who haven't added new members for a long time, are starting to see increase! For this, I give God all the praise.
Our pastors work very hard to minister to their congregations, and to make sure their pastoral needs are met, however, we must not forget that each pastor is to also " the work of an evangelist." (2 Timothy 4:5) As new members are added, new life comes to a church. Each of the new members have family and friends that can be reached for Christ, and we have an obligation to help build the kingdom, as well as our local church.
Many-years-ago, while serving as a pastor, a disgruntled church member told me, "the pastor's job is to spend all of his time with the members, and if people need to get saved, he should have an evangelist come and preach a revival." After telling him that he had no understanding of the Scriptural calling of a pastor, I pretty much ignored his advice.
Jesus died for all of mankind....that means those outside, as well as inside the church.
Again, thank God for the new growth taking place in the Tennessee Church of God of Prophecy. This is just the beginning of new things! God bless
Our pastors work very hard to minister to their congregations, and to make sure their pastoral needs are met, however, we must not forget that each pastor is to also " the work of an evangelist." (2 Timothy 4:5) As new members are added, new life comes to a church. Each of the new members have family and friends that can be reached for Christ, and we have an obligation to help build the kingdom, as well as our local church.
Many-years-ago, while serving as a pastor, a disgruntled church member told me, "the pastor's job is to spend all of his time with the members, and if people need to get saved, he should have an evangelist come and preach a revival." After telling him that he had no understanding of the Scriptural calling of a pastor, I pretty much ignored his advice.
Jesus died for all of mankind....that means those outside, as well as inside the church.
Again, thank God for the new growth taking place in the Tennessee Church of God of Prophecy. This is just the beginning of new things! God bless