The date is quickly approaching for Tennessee Ladies Day scheduled for April 25th & 26th at Camp Hickory Hills. Guest speaker will be Sylvia Staten from South Carolina. We anticipate powerful worship, great fellowship, one on one ministry, and anointed presentations. (plus some surprises) Applications are arriving daily with reports of many new ladies attending.
Anyone needing additional applications may secure them on line at the women’s ministries website. (
The deadline for “early bird” registration is April 5th. We hope to hear from you soon!
Come expecting to experience the GLORY of the Lord!
Londa Richardson, Ladies Day Director
Anyone needing additional applications may secure them on line at the women’s ministries website. (
The deadline for “early bird” registration is April 5th. We hope to hear from you soon!
Come expecting to experience the GLORY of the Lord!
Londa Richardson, Ladies Day Director