I am sharing an email I received from Pastor Terry Lowery. I asked (and received) his permission to share the good news and he encouraged me to share all of it with you. Thank God for His goodness.
Glorious day. We baptized 9 Sunday. Many backed out at the last minute. I probably need a little more time with them, but, so happy to be the one to baptize them. It was pay off time.
We are now beginning a membership class for them. I want them to join the church. That is a change for me. I began to think that membership did not matter. I was confused about what that meant for a few years, but the Lord has helped me through that. That has hurt the local churches in America I believe. I am afraid many pastors have felt the same way I did.
We had the Lords supper Sunday and ran out of communion cups for the first time. I ask that our children not participate unless parents are there to counsel them and ok the participation. I want them to feel a part, but know that is a family decision. Even without the 2 or so children not participating, we still ran out of cups. That failure was exciting. We had a great crowd at church.
Guess you can tell I am overwhelmed by God.