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Call for Photos

Tennessee State Convention
Special Request
Hendersonville, TN - June 12, 2009 -The Biennial State Convention of the Church of God of Prophecy is scheduled for July 10-12, 2009 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Band of BrothersI am writing today with a reminder of the convention, but also to enlist your help. Each convention, we honor those who have passed away since the last State Convention, and this year will be no different. I am putting together a special video presentation to honor our ministers and their spouses who may have passed since July 2007.

If you have a photo of one of the following individuals, I would like to include them in my presentation. If you would like to participate in this special project, please email a copy of the photo, along with their name and I will do my best to insure they are included. It is possible that there are others who I have not listed here, and have been inadvertently left off the list. This is absolutely unintentional, so, if you are aware of a Tennessee Minister (Bishop, Minister, Deacon, Lay Minister) or their spouse, please send that information to me. You may email me at at your convenience. Of course, I will have to stop adding photos after July 1, 2009 in order to complete the production. It will also be possible to obtain a video copy of the presentation at the convention.

Here is the list of honorees...

Louise Cartwright
Mae Ellen Camp
Steve Givens
Doris Marie Tolbert Gary
Morris Hayden Gregory
Howard Hamilton
Frank Howard
W.A. Howard
Betty Carolyn Morgan
Glen O'Kain
James Palmer
Shelia Elizabeth Robbins
Anita R. Stubbs
Lois Smith
Aaron Lee Ward
Nelson Yankee
The Church of God of Prophecy in Tennessee is committed to bring glory to God, focusing on prayer, evangelization and leadership development.
# # #

P.O. Box 2319
Hendersonville, TN 37077-2319


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