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Showing posts from February, 2010

Update from Chile

The news is not good for our brethren in Chile. As you can imagine, communications have been disrupted. I received an email from the National Overseer. He reports that 80% of the country has been affection and according to his email over 700 have lost their lives. Apparently, the National Tabernacle has suffered 60% damage. I am asking you to help us pray for Bishop Toledo and the brethren there. This is a little different, but in order to help him get the word out, I am including his email in spanish below.... " Terremoto en Chile Mar 1, 2010 Nuestro país trata de recuperarse de un devastador terremoto de 8.8 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter, que azotó la madrugada del 27 de febrero a la zona centro sur de Chile, dejando cientos de muertos, dos millones de damnificados y un millón de viviendas dañadas. Se trata de una catástrofe de enormes dimensiones que tuvo un impacto en el 80% de nuestra población. Acorde el último reporte oficial de la Oficina Nacional d...

Those Priceless Moments

Every once in a while there are one of those photos you just have to share with your friends. This photo was taken by my son at a local restaurant in Cleveland, Tennessee following the morning services. On the right is Elva Howard, our General Overseer's mother, and one of the most loved and respected seniors in our church. For years we were thrilled by the preaching of Sister Howard and the missions programs she would head up at the General Assembly. Every time we would go to hear her preach, there was standing room only in the big tabernacle on Keith Street. The little one on the left is our first grandchild Reagan. She is obviously paying close attention to Sister Howard's story, much like Shaun did as a small child. This is a priceless moment that I am happy someone took the time to record. God bless you Sister Howard and thanks for taking time with our little one.

Tsunami Warning

Friends, This morning Chili (South America) was hit by an 8.8 earthquake. The experts are concerned about a tsunami that may hit the Mexican, Californian and Alaskan coasts. Directly in its path are the Hawaiian Islands. Right now, Cathy and John Payne are there for their Ladies Retreat in that region. John and Cathy have moved all equipment and themselves to higher floors of the hotel. Please join me in prayer for the potential victims.

Special Prayer Request

Just a few-minutes-ago we received a call from Pastor Bobby Peoples of the Gordonsville Family Worship Center requesting special prayer. His cousin, Matthew Turner of Fulton, MS has been involved in an accident that has left him in a drug-induced coma and there is concern about permanent paralysis. Matthew is a member of our church in Mississippi, and is married with two children. This is an urgent prayer request. Please help us pray. Bishop E.C. McKinley

Revival Services at Empowered Ministries Church

Feb. 28th – 6pm, March 1st & 2nd – 7pm Evangelist Tim Farmer, the Union Choir and the EMC Worship Team will be ministering. “Reaching Our Community Through The Love Of Christ” Nursery available through 5 years of age 1415 Hwy. 70 East, Dickson / 615-375-1364 (The Old King’s Court Building) Pastor Mike Jennette - Win 10 N 2010 4 Christ! Empowered Ministries Church 1415 Hwy. 70 East Dickson, TN 37055 615-375-1364

Cleveland/Chattanooga District Meeting

Last night churches from the Cleveland/Chattanooga area for our annual district leadership meeting. The Peerless Road Church hosted the meeting, and the worship and fellowship were great. A special thanks to the pastors and churches who supported the event, and to the Peerless Road Church for hosting the event. My family and I returned home late last night and are so thankful for the Lord's traveling grace. Our next scheduled meeting is next Sunday evening, February 28, 2010 at the Pelham Valley Church. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Death Notice - Molene Slayton

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Patricia Neal's sister today. Here are the arrangements, please join us in prayer for the family. Family Heritage Funeral Home 100 Albert Gallatin Ave. Gallatin TN 615-452-7115 Viewing 2-8pm Tuesday Viewing Wednesday morning until the time of the funeral, which is 2pm

Happy Birthday Lindsey

Twenty-four-years ago today our daughter Lindsey was born. We were attending a district convention in Evansville, Indiana when Debra began labor, and it was such a joy to all of us when Lindsey arrived. I remember several of my colleagues stopped by the hospital to share in our joy, and my family was thrilled beyond description. Shaun, all of eight-years-old was already telling us how to take care of a new baby, and he was so proud. Our parents, my sisters and the rest of our family were all together for the joyful event and I still remember how happy my father and mother were to see Lindsey. Lindsey has spent all of her life living in a minister's home. As a pastor and then later a State Overseer, Lindsey has always done what she could to help us to achieve success and she his labored through changing schools, cities, states still maintaining a good sense of humor. We love you Lindsey, Happy Birthday

Funeral Services for Thomas Earl Wall

This morning, I was privileged to assist with the funeral for Brother Thomas Wall, a member at the Burns, Tennessee church. Brother Wall served as a pastor in Tennessee many-years-ago, and since then has been a real blessing to his local church. I was joined by Bob Thompson, Bishop Eugene Weakley and pastors Terry Bear, Harold Batson and Richard Neal for the funeral service. Pastor Terry Bear's sermon was one of the best I've ever heard at a funeral service, and I do believe he had heard from the Lord before delivering it. I am always proud of the Church of God of Prophecy ministers in such settings and I believe we have many of the best anywhere. Please join me in prayer for this precious family.

Lakeside Church Revival

Bishop Michael Willingham will be at Lakeside Sunday morning 11:00 am Sunday night 6:00 pm and Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 pm for revival Come if you can and be with us for a great move of the Lord. Bishop F. Leon Graves

Youth Rally

The Wrigley church will be hosting a Youth Rally on Saturday, February 20, 2010 with State Evangelist Tim Farmer. The services will begin at 6:00 p.m. We hope you will be able to attend. Click on the image for a full-size poster.

Death Notice - Tommy Wall

AN UPDATE FROM DISTRICT PRESTBYTER - BISHOP GARY RILEY Dear fellow ministers, Thought I would pass along the funeral arrangements for Bro. Tommy Wall. Visitation will be Wed. from 12noon-8pm and the funeral will be Thursday at 11am at Spann Funeral Home on Hwy 48 in Dickson. Bro. Tommy was 74 and he pastored a few of our churches in the area back in the 1970's. Please continue to remember his family in your prayers. Bro. Gary

Kempville Chapel Gift

Today, I was privileged to deliver a check for $2,100 to Bishop David Bryan from the Kempville Chapel Old Time Methodist Church. This love gift is for relief to the people of Haiti Bishop Bryan, the Director of Global Outreach just returned from Haiti, where he delivered aid. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

The Nexis

THIS EMAIL WAS SENT TO ALL PASTORS WE HAVE ON FILE, WE INVITE YOU TO HELP US PROMOTE THIS EVENT Dear Pastors, We are so pleased to announce The Nexus Retreat. This is a weekend event focused on young adults in the following age groups: high school grads, college, and early career. The Nexus Mission: To grow in relationship with God and each other To foster community To show love The retreat will be held at Camp Hickory Hills; Friday, May 21st - Sunday, May 23rd. The theme comes from Ephesians 4:16 NLT, "[Christ] makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." The activities for The Nexus were developed after consulting with young adults from the target age groups. Many of these young people are asking the following questions: Where do I fit in? How do I find my purpose? Why do I feel isolated and lonely? The staff is dedicated to creating a...

Kempville Chapel Old Time Methodist Church - Haiti

This morning, I was privileged to meet with Pastor Larry Meadors, of the Kempville Chapel Old Time Methodist Church located in Carthage, Tennessee. During this meeting, Pastor Meadors presented a check from the church in the amount of $2,100 for our relief efforts in Haiti. It is always a privilege to be with Pastor Meadors, who is a friend to the Church of God of Prophecy and to me as well. I follow his blog on a regular basis and receive inspiration and blessing from what he writes. CLICK HERE to see his daily blog. During our meeting, we spoke with General Overseer, Bishop Randall Howard on a conference call, and he gave an update on our efforts in Haiti. Thank you Kempville Chapel for your generosity and loving spirit toward the suffering people of Haiti, we know that God will return the blessing to you. We honor you and count you dear brothers and sisters in the faith.

COGOP pastor providing Haiti aid dies

District Overseer, Quinteria Rosario, eulogized Juan Sanchez as a man who died as he lived; serving others. Pastor Sanchez died on Saturday, apparently from a bacterial infection, shortly after returning from a humanitarian mission to help build a temporary home for the 68 orphans from the Church of God of Prophecy’s orphanage in the quake-ravaged Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. Sanchez, 63, a faithful church of God of Prophecy pastor in the Dominican Republic was a member of a team of 13 people who went into Haiti on a mission of mercy and love. The entire Church of God of Prophecy family around the world mourns the passing of Brother Sanchez and wraps its arms of condolence and care around his wife (who also accompanied him on the mission to Haiti), children, congregation, and friends. This stalwart man of God will be remembered as a one whose compassion and faithfulness led him to an plot of land in a devastated country where he worked to provide shelter to destitute children in a ...

Children’s Ministries Mission Trip - Egypt

PLEASE JOIN ME IN PRAYER FOR THIS TRIP Dear friend and prayer partner, Just wanted to let you know that we are “on the road again.” This Saturday, February 6 th , a team (Kim Batson, Darick and Karrie Endecott, Michelle Young and myself) will be traveling to Cairo, Egypt. Our main purpose for the trip will be to direct Institutes for more than 120 children’s ministers in two areas of Egypt: Cairo and Assuit. Our calendar of activities is as follows: February 6-8 Travel to Cairo via plan February 9 Sightsee and prepare for the Institute February 10-12 Institute in Cairo February 13 A Day of Ministry to more than 300 children in Cairo February 14 Travel to Assuit February 15-18 Institute in Assuit February 19 A Day of Ministry to children in Assuit February 20 Travel home Our prayer requests include--     · Health and strength of team members as well as Institute participants · Quick adjustment to the new time zone, climate, and food · Cult...