The news is not good for our brethren in Chile. As you can imagine, communications have been disrupted. I received an email from the National Overseer. He reports that 80% of the country has been affection and according to his email over 700 have lost their lives. Apparently, the National Tabernacle has suffered 60% damage. I am asking you to help us pray for Bishop Toledo and the brethren there. This is a little different, but in order to help him get the word out, I am including his email in spanish below.... " Terremoto en Chile Mar 1, 2010 Nuestro paĂs trata de recuperarse de un devastador terremoto de 8.8 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter, que azotĂł la madrugada del 27 de febrero a la zona centro sur de Chile, dejando cientos de muertos, dos millones de damnificados y un millĂłn de viviendas dañadas. Se trata de una catástrofe de enormes dimensiones que tuvo un impacto en el 80% de nuestra poblaciĂłn. Acorde el Ăşltimo reporte oficial de la Oficina Nacional d...
The personal blog site for Bishop E.C. McKinley, a minister in the holiness/pentecostal tradition, serving churches and ministries in the State of Tennessee (USA) and beyond.