Pastoral Leadership Development II
Hermeneutics and Homiletics
Mark Menke or Elias Rodriguez, CBL Instructors
Hermeneutics and Homiletics
Mark Menke or Elias Rodriguez, CBL Instructors
Jesus called Peter to “feed my sheep” (John 21:16). Christians must be fed God’s Word. This course seeks to equip today’s pastor for the work of understanding what God’s Word means and what it says to God’s people today. This is the task of hermeneutics―Biblical interpretation. Topics included:
Jesus called Peter to “feed my sheep” (John 21:16). Christians must be fed God’s Word. This course seeks to equip today’s pastor for the work of understanding what God’s Word means and what it says to God’s people today. This is the task of hermeneutics―Biblical interpretation. Topics included:
• The Task of Biblical Interpretation
• The Nature of the Bible
• General Bible Study
• Word Study
• Topical Bible Study
• Analysis of Biblical Context and Languages
• Cultural/Historical Analysis
• Application
From studying God’s Word we move to God’s call to proclaim His Word. This is the study of homiletics – preaching God’s Word. Topics will include:
From studying God’s Word we move to God’s call to proclaim His Word. This is the study of homiletics – preaching God’s Word. Topics will include:
• The Preaching Mandate
• Approaches to Preaching
• Characteristics of Great Preachers
• Techniques of Preaching
In studying hermeneutics and homiletics it is our goal to equip pastors to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)
In studying hermeneutics and homiletics it is our goal to equip pastors to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)
ECCLESIAL IDENTITY II What the Church Was and Should Be
Adrian L. Varlack, Sr. CBL Instructor/Church Historian
The Church has experienced a millennia-long struggle between two approaches to its operation: formal organizational institutionalism, and the spontaneity of the Spirit’s work among God’s people. The first is static and controllable, the second, living, dynamic and somewhat uncontrollable (though not disorderly). It will be the purpose of this writing to show that the Church’s true identity is in her governance by the Holy Ghost, a dynamic relationship that began at Pentecost (Acts 2) and should have continued uninterrupted throughout history. At the same time some formal organization seems necessary and, indeed, Biblical, but must be held in balance. We will look at the word Ekklesia, its origin and use, and in general, explore some reasons why our Lord may have chosen that term in Matthew 16:18. By a cursory look at the Ecclesia in the New Testament we will progress to more modern times with the thought of understanding better the Spirit’s role and His call to intentional obedience. The pivotal question is, has Pentecostalism in general (and our Church in particular) drawn the right lessons from the now century-old, fresh, outpouring of the Holy Ghost?
Adrian L. Varlack, Sr. CBL Instructor/Church Historian
The Church has experienced a millennia-long struggle between two approaches to its operation: formal organizational institutionalism, and the spontaneity of the Spirit’s work among God’s people. The first is static and controllable, the second, living, dynamic and somewhat uncontrollable (though not disorderly). It will be the purpose of this writing to show that the Church’s true identity is in her governance by the Holy Ghost, a dynamic relationship that began at Pentecost (Acts 2) and should have continued uninterrupted throughout history. At the same time some formal organization seems necessary and, indeed, Biblical, but must be held in balance. We will look at the word Ekklesia, its origin and use, and in general, explore some reasons why our Lord may have chosen that term in Matthew 16:18. By a cursory look at the Ecclesia in the New Testament we will progress to more modern times with the thought of understanding better the Spirit’s role and His call to intentional obedience. The pivotal question is, has Pentecostalism in general (and our Church in particular) drawn the right lessons from the now century-old, fresh, outpouring of the Holy Ghost?
Theological Reflections
Theology as a Movement: Perspectives of Historical Pneumatology
Dr. Hector Ortiz CBL Director
The second term of SOPAS concerning the aspect of Theology as a Movement will focus on Perspectives of Pneumatology and Discernment. The focus will be to trace some of the foundations of pneumatology, several spirit movements with their negative implications and several guidelines concerning discerning the Spirit of God.
Theology as a Movement: Perspectives of Historical Pneumatology
Dr. Hector Ortiz CBL Director
The second term of SOPAS concerning the aspect of Theology as a Movement will focus on Perspectives of Pneumatology and Discernment. The focus will be to trace some of the foundations of pneumatology, several spirit movements with their negative implications and several guidelines concerning discerning the Spirit of God.