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I found a few minutes this afternoon to sit and collect my thoughts.  It seems as if our lives have been in a whirlwind since spring of 2013.  As many of you know, our State Convention in Murfreesboro was a wonderful event, and that the Lord ministered in such a very special way.  I will always be thankful for God's Presence in our meetings, whether they are small committee meetings or large events like State Conventions or International Assemblies.

As we left the convention, our faces were set straight ahead for the wedding of our daughter Lindsey. She had a marvelous wedding and it was a privilege to celebrate with Lindsey and Andy in their life together.  During all of this time, Lindsey has stepped up her ministry efforts and had preached in multiple churches.  One thing that is heart-warming to me is that she and Andy are being invited to our local churches and beyond to other states.  Most recently, the PowerHouse event was an overwhelming success.

Right out of the wedding it was off to Los Angeles, California for a meeting of North American Overseers and the leadership council.  It is an honor and privilege to serve with the wonderful leaders of our movement across North America.

Almost immediately out of that was a trip to Nassau, Bahamas to assist and celebrate in the installation of Bishop Franklin Ferguson to serve as the fifth consecutive indigineous Bishop of the Bahamas.  We were treated with such respect, dignity...the people of the Bahamas sure do know how to welcome you.

Most recently, our son Shaun accepted a position at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, Tennessee moving there for Lee University.  I am so proud of his accomplishments there, but am more proud of his ministry at his home church, Peerless Road Church.

Debra and I attended a Galatians 6 conference at WinShape in Rome, Georgia where we learned special insights into how we do our work and the points where I feel I may have missed the mark.

We've been privileged to attend the Pastor's Wife get-a-way in Pigeon Forge, TN where Londa Richardson, Michelle Brooks-Young, Kim Batson, Jill Mandrell and Debra ministered to some very special ladies in our state.

In between these events we have visited and ministered in our churches, to one church in Kentucky and have participated or moderated numerous meetings and events.  We are a blessed people.

Last night we attended our oldest grandchild's School Christmas musical at the Conn Center on the Lee University campus in Cleveland and this afternoon, we will be attending the funeral services of Brenda Devonnia Carroll in Dayton, Tennessee.  After that, pre-marital counseling, district visits and home to start over again.

By reading past blog entries, you can see there have also been multiple funerals and other ministry moments, not counting the daily care of the churches.

I am not complaining, but only sharing the multiplied responsibilities do not allow me to be everywhere I want to be.  I am thankful for the prayers of the saints in Tennessee and beyond and count all the miles as joy.

The reason for writing all of this is to thank you all for being such special friends.  Last evening, one of our pastors spoke a "Word from the Lord," that spoke more clearly to my heart than some things have in years.  I want to be found faithful and walk in the path the Lord has laid before us...I appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

May God bless each and every one of you.


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