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What in the world is going on..

Is the red sky the rising or the setting of the sun?

What in the world is going on? That is a question that I hear asked on a regular basis. I hear it from the news anchors asking their invited "experts" and I hear it from people in our churches. The person only has to ask the questions and you will hear a plethora of answers. 

If you ask the politically-minded, the answers are as varied as can be. "Well, it's the democrats, or its the republicans who are to blame." The activist will say, "its because of America's foreign policy." The race-baiter says, "the (fill in the blank) people are to blame they are just keeping us down." The prophetic will say, "its the end of the world." Again, the answers are as varied as there are people. Believe it or not, everyone has the right to their own opinion. But with all of these answers, there is one answer that can be found by simply reading this one verse, what is it? I'm glad you asked.

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34) 

Take a second and read that one-more-time. Now, read it in reverse, "...sin is a reproach to any people." That includes Americans, Europeans, Asian, African and indigenous people all over this planet. Sin is the problem. Always has been, always will be. 

You see, it is easy to put the blame off on all those mentioned in the second paragraph above, easy to say it's "their fault." No, my friend it is the fault of all of us. What have we done?

Our nation slaughters the innocent child in the womb of her mother and calls it choice. Our nation makes billionaires out of drug cartels by our demand for illicit drugs. In my opinion, the booze industry (a term coined by famed evangelist Billy Sunday) is at the root of so much hurt. You don't believe that? Well, let me ask, why do the media and the politician talk so much about "sin" taxes?

Fathers abandon their children, sometimes after multiple years of marriage, if they every married in the first place and mothers seek fulfillment in the arms of another man or woman. Who worries about the kids? Why did you have them in the first place if you didn't intend to take care of them? You see, marriage is not about the bride or the groom...marriage is about the future, yes, its about the kids. Its about building a society where everyone is valued and has the chance to make a better life than the one the parents had.

Promiscuity is now normal. The old immorality has become the new immorality.

Now, let's look at the the first half. "Righteousness exalted a nation." That seems to be an almost impossible concept when everyone says, "don't judge me, you don't have the right." No, I am not judging you, but I am telling you the Word of God...yes, I said it, the Bible already judges. We have become a self-absorbed society worried about ourself more than anything else. What is the future for such a self-absorbed, self-centered nation?

"And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:14)

I can give you pages of illustrations of the lawlessness that now pervades our society, but you may already be upset and don't want to look realistically at what I have said. No, perhaps its not the best-written post, and it certainly isn't politically correct...but it comes from the heart of a man who loves his God, and who loves his nation. It is time to return to God. It is time to pray. It is time to repent. It is time to Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and she my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1)

"Dear Lord, please hear my prayer as I ask for your Spirit to convict our hearts and bring us back to you."


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