If you are like me, you probably wonder where 2013 has gone. It seems like the Christmas season was so short and that the New Year celebration happened before we had time to even turn around. I have always looked forward to January 1 of any year, because I like the opportunity for fresh starts. I know that I am not perfect and to be honest with you, each day in the Scriptures reminds me of that fact. I struggle to make right decisions and do what is right and proper in any situation, but as I said, I am not perfect. So, as January 1 rolled around this year, I looked forward with great hopes of the opportunities to begin anew, however, I have learned that Satan just doesn't want that to happen. He pushes, prods and provokes at every turn and uses circumstance and culture to antagonize...but, the opportunities for a fresh start never comes from him...rather, it always comes from God our Father. Perhaps my favorite story in the Old Testament is that of Mep...