Attached you will find details of an upcoming conference. I am planning to attend this conference and it is my understanding that Bishop Howard and some of the International Office Staff may be attending as well.
The SYNERGIZE! Pastors Conference will be held January 29-31, 2008 in
If this sounds as if it would be beneficial for you and possibly some of your key pastors you may want to share this information and the above link with them. You will notice early registration cost is just $79.00 (plus additional fees for premium parking and/preferred seating). In addition, of course, will be the hotel costs. Please consider this invitation and let me know as soon as possible if you and some of your pastors are interested in attending. It is possible that one hotel will be selected for those interested so there would be additional opportunity for networking and fellowshipping outside of the conference.
Please e-mail your response by completing the following and send back to
Place an “x” by your response and supply the additional information of names of pastors:
__ I am interested in attending the SYNERGIZE! Pastors Conference
__ I will be unable to attend this conference
__ I have pastors interested in attending. Their names are:
If you answered that you are interested in attending the SYNERGIZE Conference please complete the following:
__ I am interested in preferred seating ($30 additional cost)
__ I am interested in premium parking ($30 additional cost)
__ I and my pastors will stay in the same hotel as others
__ I will want to arrange lodging for me and my pastors
Sam N. Clements