Debra and I are on our way home from a full day of ministry. Of course I need to mention we were in Cleveland yesterday for visitation to honor Bishop A.J.Coalter.
Funeral services for Bishop A.J. Coalter this morning. I was privileged to be able to make a few comments along with North American Presbyter Bishop Sam N. Clements, Retired Bishop J.E. Brisson and enjoy a great message by Bishop Coalter's son-in-law, Bishop Duke Stone, pastor of the Hickory Vallley.
Our prayers are with Norma Coalter, Bishop Tim Coalter and Shirlene Stone and all the children and grandchildren.
After graveside services by Bishop Tim Coalter, we learned that our Asia/Oceana General Presbyter, Bishop David L. Browder was hospitalized in Cleveland last night for chest pains. We, along with Georgia Bishop Billy Adams and his wife Charlotte Rea Adams went to visit and have prayer for him. While there, we learned that Bishop Wade Patterson had also been admitted, so we went to his room for prayer and a visit. While in Bishop Browder's room, Bishop Sam Clements and Linda Clements arrived and visited with us.
Gotta get home to change clothes, check mail and go again. Looking forward to being at the Ashland City Church tomorrow morning. Please continue to pray for Vernetta Reid and for her family, Winston Reid, Trevor Reid and the rest of the family.