Today is December 26, 2015 and it starts the countdown to December 25, 2016, our next Christmas Day. We were blessed to have all of our immediate family with us for Christmas Day and in a few days in Pigeon Forge to spend time with my extended family from Indiana.
Now we jump back into the work of building the Kingdom of God with a hopeful heart for our people across the State of Tennessee. In a few-short-days we will join the Church of God of Prophecy world-wide in a time of protracted prayer and fasting.
District Meetings will be especially rich in fellowship, worship and the Word, dates and locations will follow in the next blog message.
#Cover22 will be launched at each district meeting as well as a new training opportunity from the Tennessee School of Practical and Advanced Studies.
We look forward to RAISING THE BAR together
Now we jump back into the work of building the Kingdom of God with a hopeful heart for our people across the State of Tennessee. In a few-short-days we will join the Church of God of Prophecy world-wide in a time of protracted prayer and fasting.
District Meetings will be especially rich in fellowship, worship and the Word, dates and locations will follow in the next blog message.
#Cover22 will be launched at each district meeting as well as a new training opportunity from the Tennessee School of Practical and Advanced Studies.
We look forward to RAISING THE BAR together