I am posting an email I received about an event at Baggett's Chapel. I would love to add your event to my blog when possible. Just email them to me by clicking here.
Bro. McKinley,
This past Friday night, Feb. 20th the Baggetts Chapel "Chain Breakers" youth group hosted our first annual Youth Lock-in.
Bro. McKinley,
This past Friday night, Feb. 20th the Baggetts Chapel "Chain Breakers" youth group hosted our first annual Youth Lock-in.
The Burns youth group and Drama Team joined us for this event. We had a wonderful time in the Lord.
We were blessed to have Ben Longberg and his band lead us in worship with their christian music.
The Burns Drama Team as well as Baggetts Chapel "His In Service" performed for the audience. We had approximately 54 people in attendance.
Thanks to everyone who made this a truly wonderful and blessed event.
Roger and Vicky Davis
Youth Directors
Baggett's Chapel "Chain Breakers"
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."
Romans 12:12-13