Although the news media has not stated much about Tennessee being affected by the Ice Storm, due to the mass damage to other states, there are issues in Tennessee also. Both the Ridgely and Lenox church areas were hit by the ice storm last week. The town of Ridgely and the church were without electricity for 36 to 48 hours in the frigid cold and some longer than that. Some of the elderly members were taken into shelters in Dyersburg and others had relatives who took them into their homes. We were unable to have church Wednesday night January 28 and services were cut short on Sunday February 1 by the power going off again. After the power was restored to the church it has been being used by those who are still without eating and bathing facilities. A group from a half-way house and others were able to use the gym showers. There are approximately ten families in the Ridgely church including the Pastor that still does not have electricity at this date one week later. Cell phones and internet services have been hindered due to this power shortage.
We praise God for HIS grace and HIS sustaining “power” during these difficult times without the “modern power” that our homes and churches rely on. We have been able to reach out to people that we had never had the opportunity to minister to. This has brought on a REVIVAL of prayer and seeing the need to minister to those who are in need.
Loudonna Mahan