January 14-17, 2010
Embassy Suites Murfreesboro, TN
Registration is open for Youth Harvest Training. All levels of youth and camping ministries are invited to attend this intensive training weekend, including state/regional youth and camp directors, youth pastors, camp directors, senior pastors, camp board directors, cabin leaders, youth workers, parents and volunteers.
The conference begins with early bird intensives on Thursday, January 14 @ 1:00 p.m. Sample intensives include, but are not limited to:
Re-envisioning Camping Ministries
The Profession of Youth Ministries
The Dynamic Duo: Youth and Camping Ministries
Implementing Operation Omega
The first general session begins on Friday morning @ 8:30 a.m. The conference will end at noon on Sunday. If you are planning to attend on Thursday night and need a room at the hotel, please be sure to check that off on your registration form. We'll let you know the total cost depending on the number of persons in the room.
We are in the process of getting more details to you on the website. Please keep checking back. (A separate e-mail will immediately follow with registration forms and an overview of YHT's focus area - not a workshop list, but topics to be covered throughout the weekend through classes and general speakers.)
In the meantime, please register. A $50.00 deposit is required to hold your space with the balance due on January 4, 2010. Online registration is available at: http://webapps.cogopmedia.com/forms/yht2010.html. Please feel free to call our office at 423-559-5304 for more information.
Thanks for praying for Youth Harvest Training and for partnering with us in this very important ministry.
Reaching, Raising and Releasing the Omega Generation!
Trevor & Aileen Reid
Co-Directors, International Youth Ministries
Church of God of Prophecy International Offices
P.O. Box 2910
Cleveland, TN 37320-2910
Office: 423-559-5304
Fax: 423-559-5302
E-mail: areid@cogop.org
Web: www.operationomega.org
Web: www.cogop.org