Here is the latest connections newsletter from the General Overseer
Here you will find the latest news and information on upcoming ministry events. We hope you enjoy all that you will read here. Send us your comments and thoughts by emailing
In this E-Mail. . .
1. Voice of Salvation Ministry Launches World Impact in China
2. CIS Conference in Ukraine
3. Azusa Asia Celebration Unifies Pentecostals
4. Ladies Retreat Update: San Salvador, El Salvador
5. Mission Update: Looking Back on 10 Years of Incredible Ministry
6. To Unsubscribe
Voice of Salvation Ministry Launches World Impact in China
Recently, Voice of Salvation Ministers Billy and Lisa Wilson taped two television programs in preparation for the Tuesday, December 12, 2006, launch of World Impact in China. Negotiations were also completed with network representatives from TVB, one of two secular television stations in Hong Kong. TVB approved World Impact as one of the first Christian programs for weekly broadcasts throughout Hong Kong and Southern China. The television network representatives stated that they were very pleased with the programs format, and believe that we will have a great audience. The time of day that we will air realizes between 150,000 and 250,000 real viewers per program—in Hong Kong alone. This viewer audience is in addition to those who will watch across Southern China. If you extrapolate the numbers, more than a million Chinese people will be watching World Impact each week. If we do well in captivating the audience, those numbers should increase with time. This significant development is beyond any television network launch we have experienced in the past 12 years at VOS. We are thrilled about this new venture and ask that you join us in prayer as Voice of Salvation Ministries is Sharing Jesus with the worlds greatest harvest field.
For more information contact: Brittany Gillum, VOS Ministries,
CIS Conference in the Ukraine
The recent CIS conference in Harcov Ukraine was a milestone event marking a new step in the growth and development of the ministry in this area of the world. Over 300 Pastors attended the conference adding to the local Harcov people attending for a regular attendance of between 600 and 700 each session. It was the privilege of David Bryan, Global Outreach Director and Randy Howard, General Overseer, to minister in such a setting.
One of the milestones noted in this meeting was the obvious emerging of our national leaders with the blessing and encouragement of Bishop Clayton Endecott, General Presbyter of Europe/CIS/Middle East, and Bishop John Doroshuk, founder and father of this CIS movement. The inspired and active leadership of our three national overseers as well as two other leading Ukraine pastors of churches with over 2000 members and 3000 members respectively clearly signaled a new day which has been anticipated for some time by Bishops Doroshuk and Endecott.
Another milestone was the coming of age of this young Pentecostal Union. The traditional unions of the past continue to minister actively, but this movement is a new generation with new visions and aggressive progress. They look nothing like the older and more traditional union meetings. There was no division for women on one side and men on the other and many women dressed casually and wore slacks. A number of women were ordained to ministry leadership. The legalistic and authoritarian approach of the past was missing. But one thing was not missing at all, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit which is drawing the hungry souls of the area to Christ in mass.
The blend of previous stages in this area was imperceptible demonstrating the unity created when Gods harvest is the highest priority. In the early days Bishop John Doroshuk had raised up ministry and churches throughout the area. Later the leadership of men he had discipled (such as our overseers) became so productive that a new level of outreach and church planting was added to the former. Genuine harvest, planting churches in new fields, became a main focus for these leaders.
As the movement grew the testimony spread of a new and younger Pentecostal union that was adapting to the great harvest, utilizing new methods, and not hindered by traditions of the past. This marked a third wave of development joining the ongoing work of the former waves. Other aggressive and young Pentecostal leaders began to join in this union of the Church of God of Prophecy to unite their passion for the harvest, the spirit, and their new liberty to minister in grace.
The result has been a harvest movement that is only 14 years old that now ministers in at least seven nations, includes over 700 churches, and is approaching 100,000 total membership. These young and passionate leaders have raised up Bible Colleges (at least 5), evangelistic Drug Rehabilitation Centers (dozens), orphanages (over 30), visions to plant a church in every town that has no evangelical witness, and innovative ministries and support structures. There is a sense that God has breathed over these leaders a Spirit filled and passionate sense of being Gods entrepreneurs, taking risks to create innovation for the sole purpose of reaching the lost more effectively. It is awe inspiring to see what God has done to further His harvest work in the CIS.
For more information, contact:
Azusa Asia Celebration Unifies Pentecostals
Flaming the Spirit of Pentecost was the theme of the Azusa Asia celebration in Jakarta, September 29-30, 2006. Inspired by the Azusa Centennial held in Los Angeles in April 2006, Pentecostals throughout Indonesia met together to declare their unity during a celebration of the centennial of both the worldwide Pentecostal movement and the 85th anniversary of the Pentecostal movement in Indonesia. This was the first International Azusa Street Centennial follow-up event.
A ministry team was led by William Wilson from the Center for Spiritual Renewal in Cleveland, Tennessee. Brother Wilson, who also serves as the International Minister of Outreach for the Church of God and Church of God of Prophecy, was a keynote speaker and workshop instructor. The main event in the National Isatora Stadium was attended by more than 75,000 people. In addition to Reverend Wilson and his wife, Lisa, the team included Drs. Eddie and Sue Hyatt of Hyatt International Ministries, and Dr. David Roebuck of the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in Cleveland. The team participated in numerous ministries during the weekend including teaching at the Bethel Seminary and preaching in 11 churches throughout the city.
The theme for Azusa Asia centered upon unity, reconciliation, and Pentecostal fire. The two largest Pentecostal denominations—Pentecostal Church of Indonesia with five million members and the Bethel Church of Indonesia (affiliated with the Church of God) with three million members—led in a time of reconciliation where the movement committed to a new level of cooperation and unity. More than 10,000 church leaders packed Gelora Bung Karno Convention Center for a day-long seminar on Friday, September 29.
The stadium event of Saturday, September 30, included Olympic-style pageantry, powerful worship, and anointed preaching. Buses began arriving in the early afternoon so that the eager worshippers could get seats in the nations largest sports stadium. Opening ceremonies included a marching band, a precision flag corps team, 250 tambourine dancers in native costumes, beautiful chorography performed by 2,000 children displaying the national colors of red and white. A parade of delegates representing over 70 of the Pentecostal denominations in Indonesia, displayed the unity of the gathering.
Highlighting a new commitment of cooperation among the churches, an arriving helicopter unfurled a large banner proclaiming the words We Are One. On board the helicopter were envoys delivering a declaration of unity to Dr. Jacob Nahuway and Pastor A.H. Mandey, who stood as representatives of the two largest Pentecostal denominations in Indonesia. These leaders then led delegates of each of the participating denominations as they rounded the stadiums track and lighted an Olympic-style torch, which burned throughout the service. The opening ceremonies concluded with fireworks, singing, and shouts of joy.
Worship became the focus of the evening and included a mass choir, band, and special music provided by an ensemble of the nations lawyers. Both the Reverends Wilson and Nahuway along with others provided anointed preaching. Brother Wilson commented, As I ministered during the evening program and extended an invitation for participants to receive salvation, several thousand stood and prayed to receive the Lord as Savior. This was one of largest one-time harvests in my ministry. I was very grateful and humbled to be involved. Countless others responded to the call for prayer as Dr. Nahuway closed the evenings activities.
The service was aired on Indonesian National Television on Sunday morning and was expected to be repeated throughout the week. The weekends activities highlighted the rapid expansion of Christianity and Pentecostalism, which is believed to be the fastest growing movement in a nation that includes the largest number of Muslims in the world. Pentecostalism was first introduced to Indonesia in 1921 with the arrival of Cornelius and Marie Groesbeek and Dirkrichard and Stien van Klaveren in the Dutch controlled islands. Supported by Bethel Temple in Seattle, Washington, the first successful congregation was planted among the Dutch, but Pentecostalism quickly spread among native Indonesians and Chinese immigrants. Leaders of the Azusa Indonesia celebration pray that an even greater harvest will come with this renewed commitment to Christian unity. Without question, this mass gathering of Christians was a strong and significant witness to the nation of Indonesia. Our prayer is that this spirit of unity will continue to flow among Pentecostals across the nation.
For more information, contact: Luann Leonard, International Ministry of Outreach,
Ladies Retreat Conducted in San Salvador, El Salvador
We just finished an International Ladies Retreat in San Salvador, El Salvador at the Holiday Inn. After registration, we registered 325 for the retreat. Eight nations were represented with over one hundred coming from Honduras. Mexico, Puerto Rico, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama were also at the retreat. Brother Flores and his national office staff did a great job in planning and preparation for the retreat.
Ministry went forth in a powerful way each general session as His word was preached with intensity of His anointing. The worship was exciting and uplifting as His daughters lifted their hands and voices toward heaven in unity exalting Him and praising His name.
Future retreats will take us to Kentucky November 10-12 and then on to Gulf Shores, November 17-19, 2006.
For more information, contact: John Payne, Womens Ministries Office,
Missions News: Looking Back on Ten Years of Incredible Ministry
Jerry Chalk is only twenty-nine years old. He has spent the last ten years of his already eventful life in the Ukraine. This agriculturally blessed country was the Bible belt of the former Soviet Union, with half of the former USSRs Baptists and Pentecostals. Ten years ago when Jerry boarded a plane bound for the Ukraine he did not know the language, the culture or what God had in store for him there. Today, the Oklahoma native speaks Ukrainian fluently, is married to a beautiful Ukrainian, Lyana, serves on the national staff of our Ukrainian ministry working closely with Vitaliy Voznyuk, national overseer, as well as leading youth ministry at the local church in Kiev.
Jerry and Lyanas amazing journey coincides with the flowering of the Spirit-birthed revival that has exploded across the Ukraine over the last fifteen years. One window into the depth and breadth of the amazing move of God in this nation is to track Jerrys reports and the Churchs progress over the last ten years:
- 600 churches planted and established across the Ukraine. Jerry has personally been a part of establishing 40 of these.
- The local church in Kiev has grown from 300 to 3,000 members.
- Our churches in the Ukraine recorded 7,000 people coming to know Jesus and 5,000 water baptisms in 2005 alone.
- Total membership in our network of churches in the Ukraine has mushroomed to over 73,000.
- Our churches operate 22 drug and alcohol rehab centers throughout the country.
- The need for leaders has spawned the creation of five Bible colleges.
- Deep compassion for children has led them to start 5 orphanages where they feed, clothe, and love 120 children.
- This past summer they opened their first Rescue Mission Center in central Ukraine.
- The government of President Viktor Yuschenko gave the Church a campground with the only stipulation being to renovate it. They were able to remodel this facility and get it in working order.
Jerrys face glowed when he related the response of their local congregation to a call during this years Thanksgiving service to tithe the food produced in their gardens. Since many people do not earn enough money to survive, they farm plots of land to provide enough food to last through the winter. The people filled the platform at the local church with so much food they were able to bless the children at the newly opened Rescue Mission in Lubney with enough food to last the winter.
God is at work in this part of the world and documenting the incredible acts of grace, power, and love is cause for giving Him glory!
Ways You Can Help
PRAY for Gods grace on the Chalks and for the Ukraine.
Help to support church-planting pastors and evangelistic outreach.
Help to provide buildings – Houses of Prayer – for congregations.
Help to support orphanage ministry.
How to Send Help
Individual donors can contribute through the Helping Hands Ministry and churches may contribute through Harvest Partners Level Two (project) giving. Mission Marker Partners is also available for giving specifically for helping churches with buildings or helping to meet basic ministry needs.
Please make all checks payable to Church of God of Prophecy and be sure to specify where you would like your offering to go. Ukraine – Jerry and Lyana Chalk etc.
Send to:
Church of God of Prophecy
P.O. Box 2910
Cleveland, TN 37320-2910
Note that all gifts are tax deductible and 100% of your gift is applied to the need you specify.
For more information, contact: Retha Frankland, Global Outreach Ministries,
Here you will find the latest news and information on upcoming ministry events. We hope you enjoy all that you will read here. Send us your comments and thoughts by emailing
In this E-Mail. . .
1. Voice of Salvation Ministry Launches World Impact in China
2. CIS Conference in Ukraine
3. Azusa Asia Celebration Unifies Pentecostals
4. Ladies Retreat Update: San Salvador, El Salvador
5. Mission Update: Looking Back on 10 Years of Incredible Ministry
6. To Unsubscribe
Voice of Salvation Ministry Launches World Impact in China
Recently, Voice of Salvation Ministers Billy and Lisa Wilson taped two television programs in preparation for the Tuesday, December 12, 2006, launch of World Impact in China. Negotiations were also completed with network representatives from TVB, one of two secular television stations in Hong Kong. TVB approved World Impact as one of the first Christian programs for weekly broadcasts throughout Hong Kong and Southern China. The television network representatives stated that they were very pleased with the programs format, and believe that we will have a great audience. The time of day that we will air realizes between 150,000 and 250,000 real viewers per program—in Hong Kong alone. This viewer audience is in addition to those who will watch across Southern China. If you extrapolate the numbers, more than a million Chinese people will be watching World Impact each week. If we do well in captivating the audience, those numbers should increase with time. This significant development is beyond any television network launch we have experienced in the past 12 years at VOS. We are thrilled about this new venture and ask that you join us in prayer as Voice of Salvation Ministries is Sharing Jesus with the worlds greatest harvest field.
For more information contact: Brittany Gillum, VOS Ministries,
CIS Conference in the Ukraine
The recent CIS conference in Harcov Ukraine was a milestone event marking a new step in the growth and development of the ministry in this area of the world. Over 300 Pastors attended the conference adding to the local Harcov people attending for a regular attendance of between 600 and 700 each session. It was the privilege of David Bryan, Global Outreach Director and Randy Howard, General Overseer, to minister in such a setting.
One of the milestones noted in this meeting was the obvious emerging of our national leaders with the blessing and encouragement of Bishop Clayton Endecott, General Presbyter of Europe/CIS/Middle East, and Bishop John Doroshuk, founder and father of this CIS movement. The inspired and active leadership of our three national overseers as well as two other leading Ukraine pastors of churches with over 2000 members and 3000 members respectively clearly signaled a new day which has been anticipated for some time by Bishops Doroshuk and Endecott.
Another milestone was the coming of age of this young Pentecostal Union. The traditional unions of the past continue to minister actively, but this movement is a new generation with new visions and aggressive progress. They look nothing like the older and more traditional union meetings. There was no division for women on one side and men on the other and many women dressed casually and wore slacks. A number of women were ordained to ministry leadership. The legalistic and authoritarian approach of the past was missing. But one thing was not missing at all, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit which is drawing the hungry souls of the area to Christ in mass.
The blend of previous stages in this area was imperceptible demonstrating the unity created when Gods harvest is the highest priority. In the early days Bishop John Doroshuk had raised up ministry and churches throughout the area. Later the leadership of men he had discipled (such as our overseers) became so productive that a new level of outreach and church planting was added to the former. Genuine harvest, planting churches in new fields, became a main focus for these leaders.
As the movement grew the testimony spread of a new and younger Pentecostal union that was adapting to the great harvest, utilizing new methods, and not hindered by traditions of the past. This marked a third wave of development joining the ongoing work of the former waves. Other aggressive and young Pentecostal leaders began to join in this union of the Church of God of Prophecy to unite their passion for the harvest, the spirit, and their new liberty to minister in grace.
The result has been a harvest movement that is only 14 years old that now ministers in at least seven nations, includes over 700 churches, and is approaching 100,000 total membership. These young and passionate leaders have raised up Bible Colleges (at least 5), evangelistic Drug Rehabilitation Centers (dozens), orphanages (over 30), visions to plant a church in every town that has no evangelical witness, and innovative ministries and support structures. There is a sense that God has breathed over these leaders a Spirit filled and passionate sense of being Gods entrepreneurs, taking risks to create innovation for the sole purpose of reaching the lost more effectively. It is awe inspiring to see what God has done to further His harvest work in the CIS.
For more information, contact:
Azusa Asia Celebration Unifies Pentecostals
Flaming the Spirit of Pentecost was the theme of the Azusa Asia celebration in Jakarta, September 29-30, 2006. Inspired by the Azusa Centennial held in Los Angeles in April 2006, Pentecostals throughout Indonesia met together to declare their unity during a celebration of the centennial of both the worldwide Pentecostal movement and the 85th anniversary of the Pentecostal movement in Indonesia. This was the first International Azusa Street Centennial follow-up event.
A ministry team was led by William Wilson from the Center for Spiritual Renewal in Cleveland, Tennessee. Brother Wilson, who also serves as the International Minister of Outreach for the Church of God and Church of God of Prophecy, was a keynote speaker and workshop instructor. The main event in the National Isatora Stadium was attended by more than 75,000 people. In addition to Reverend Wilson and his wife, Lisa, the team included Drs. Eddie and Sue Hyatt of Hyatt International Ministries, and Dr. David Roebuck of the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in Cleveland. The team participated in numerous ministries during the weekend including teaching at the Bethel Seminary and preaching in 11 churches throughout the city.
The theme for Azusa Asia centered upon unity, reconciliation, and Pentecostal fire. The two largest Pentecostal denominations—Pentecostal Church of Indonesia with five million members and the Bethel Church of Indonesia (affiliated with the Church of God) with three million members—led in a time of reconciliation where the movement committed to a new level of cooperation and unity. More than 10,000 church leaders packed Gelora Bung Karno Convention Center for a day-long seminar on Friday, September 29.
The stadium event of Saturday, September 30, included Olympic-style pageantry, powerful worship, and anointed preaching. Buses began arriving in the early afternoon so that the eager worshippers could get seats in the nations largest sports stadium. Opening ceremonies included a marching band, a precision flag corps team, 250 tambourine dancers in native costumes, beautiful chorography performed by 2,000 children displaying the national colors of red and white. A parade of delegates representing over 70 of the Pentecostal denominations in Indonesia, displayed the unity of the gathering.
Highlighting a new commitment of cooperation among the churches, an arriving helicopter unfurled a large banner proclaiming the words We Are One. On board the helicopter were envoys delivering a declaration of unity to Dr. Jacob Nahuway and Pastor A.H. Mandey, who stood as representatives of the two largest Pentecostal denominations in Indonesia. These leaders then led delegates of each of the participating denominations as they rounded the stadiums track and lighted an Olympic-style torch, which burned throughout the service. The opening ceremonies concluded with fireworks, singing, and shouts of joy.
Worship became the focus of the evening and included a mass choir, band, and special music provided by an ensemble of the nations lawyers. Both the Reverends Wilson and Nahuway along with others provided anointed preaching. Brother Wilson commented, As I ministered during the evening program and extended an invitation for participants to receive salvation, several thousand stood and prayed to receive the Lord as Savior. This was one of largest one-time harvests in my ministry. I was very grateful and humbled to be involved. Countless others responded to the call for prayer as Dr. Nahuway closed the evenings activities.
The service was aired on Indonesian National Television on Sunday morning and was expected to be repeated throughout the week. The weekends activities highlighted the rapid expansion of Christianity and Pentecostalism, which is believed to be the fastest growing movement in a nation that includes the largest number of Muslims in the world. Pentecostalism was first introduced to Indonesia in 1921 with the arrival of Cornelius and Marie Groesbeek and Dirkrichard and Stien van Klaveren in the Dutch controlled islands. Supported by Bethel Temple in Seattle, Washington, the first successful congregation was planted among the Dutch, but Pentecostalism quickly spread among native Indonesians and Chinese immigrants. Leaders of the Azusa Indonesia celebration pray that an even greater harvest will come with this renewed commitment to Christian unity. Without question, this mass gathering of Christians was a strong and significant witness to the nation of Indonesia. Our prayer is that this spirit of unity will continue to flow among Pentecostals across the nation.
For more information, contact: Luann Leonard, International Ministry of Outreach,
Ladies Retreat Conducted in San Salvador, El Salvador
We just finished an International Ladies Retreat in San Salvador, El Salvador at the Holiday Inn. After registration, we registered 325 for the retreat. Eight nations were represented with over one hundred coming from Honduras. Mexico, Puerto Rico, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama were also at the retreat. Brother Flores and his national office staff did a great job in planning and preparation for the retreat.
Ministry went forth in a powerful way each general session as His word was preached with intensity of His anointing. The worship was exciting and uplifting as His daughters lifted their hands and voices toward heaven in unity exalting Him and praising His name.
Future retreats will take us to Kentucky November 10-12 and then on to Gulf Shores, November 17-19, 2006.
For more information, contact: John Payne, Womens Ministries Office,
Missions News: Looking Back on Ten Years of Incredible Ministry
Jerry Chalk is only twenty-nine years old. He has spent the last ten years of his already eventful life in the Ukraine. This agriculturally blessed country was the Bible belt of the former Soviet Union, with half of the former USSRs Baptists and Pentecostals. Ten years ago when Jerry boarded a plane bound for the Ukraine he did not know the language, the culture or what God had in store for him there. Today, the Oklahoma native speaks Ukrainian fluently, is married to a beautiful Ukrainian, Lyana, serves on the national staff of our Ukrainian ministry working closely with Vitaliy Voznyuk, national overseer, as well as leading youth ministry at the local church in Kiev.
Jerry and Lyanas amazing journey coincides with the flowering of the Spirit-birthed revival that has exploded across the Ukraine over the last fifteen years. One window into the depth and breadth of the amazing move of God in this nation is to track Jerrys reports and the Churchs progress over the last ten years:
- 600 churches planted and established across the Ukraine. Jerry has personally been a part of establishing 40 of these.
- The local church in Kiev has grown from 300 to 3,000 members.
- Our churches in the Ukraine recorded 7,000 people coming to know Jesus and 5,000 water baptisms in 2005 alone.
- Total membership in our network of churches in the Ukraine has mushroomed to over 73,000.
- Our churches operate 22 drug and alcohol rehab centers throughout the country.
- The need for leaders has spawned the creation of five Bible colleges.
- Deep compassion for children has led them to start 5 orphanages where they feed, clothe, and love 120 children.
- This past summer they opened their first Rescue Mission Center in central Ukraine.
- The government of President Viktor Yuschenko gave the Church a campground with the only stipulation being to renovate it. They were able to remodel this facility and get it in working order.
Jerrys face glowed when he related the response of their local congregation to a call during this years Thanksgiving service to tithe the food produced in their gardens. Since many people do not earn enough money to survive, they farm plots of land to provide enough food to last through the winter. The people filled the platform at the local church with so much food they were able to bless the children at the newly opened Rescue Mission in Lubney with enough food to last the winter.
God is at work in this part of the world and documenting the incredible acts of grace, power, and love is cause for giving Him glory!
Ways You Can Help
PRAY for Gods grace on the Chalks and for the Ukraine.
Help to support church-planting pastors and evangelistic outreach.
Help to provide buildings – Houses of Prayer – for congregations.
Help to support orphanage ministry.
How to Send Help
Individual donors can contribute through the Helping Hands Ministry and churches may contribute through Harvest Partners Level Two (project) giving. Mission Marker Partners is also available for giving specifically for helping churches with buildings or helping to meet basic ministry needs.
Please make all checks payable to Church of God of Prophecy and be sure to specify where you would like your offering to go. Ukraine – Jerry and Lyana Chalk etc.
Send to:
Church of God of Prophecy
P.O. Box 2910
Cleveland, TN 37320-2910
Note that all gifts are tax deductible and 100% of your gift is applied to the need you specify.
For more information, contact: Retha Frankland, Global Outreach Ministries,